Edgy Girl Frame 6 $9.99
The best thing about EdgyGirl is its simplicity. Each edge is simply a layered Photoshop file. First, open the file with the desired edge in Photoshop. Then copy and paste your image file into the edge effect file and adjust to taste. The Photoshop files even tell you where in the layer stack to paste your image—there will be a layer labeled “Paste Your Image Above This Layer.”

I found it difficult to choose the best edge by viewing the file icons on my Mac, as the icons are simply too small for this pur- pose. Instead, I viewed the same folder via Adobe Bridge with nice big previews. This made for much more efficient work, and I knew I’d be happy with an edge before opening it.

While EdgyGirl provides a simple way to access some useful edges, there is one inconvenience that comes with this simplic- ity: The image sizes are fixed and may not match the size of the image file you are working with. This is easily remedied with the Image Size command. I never found it necessary to match the pixel dimensions of the edge and the image file exactly. Instead I just ballparked it—with good results.

EdgyGirl is so simple that anyone who understands layers can begin to use it immediately. It also has a nice variety of edge styles.
Total Price: $9.99
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